• +91-9150404034
  • SC Colony, Kakolluvaripalli (Post-524227), AndhraPradesh, India


Our Ministers


God has called us to an awesome commission of winning souls and creating a cognizance of how they can live in a dynamic relationship with Christ! We believe that the establishment of Bible Believing churches amidst the sect of unreached people is the predominant section for evangelizing laymen to disciple for Christ. thereby, imparting the knowledge of Christ in the hearts of the believers. We are available to be used by Him and through Him.

Evangelical Activities & Gospel Crusades. Training & Equipping Leaders. Soul-Winning & Church Planting. Free Medical camps. Youth Ministries. Children & Women Ministries. Visually Impaired, Physically Challenged & Leprosy Patients Ministries. Caring Deserted widows and orphans.

Church Planting

Baptist Church of Kakolluvaripalli wants to do more than just introduce people to Jesus and then walk away. We want to help people learn how to be disciples of Jesus, and we want to teach them how to minister to one another.The early churches were in people’s homes and two thousand years later, church planting remains the best method of starting and growing churches.

There are still millions of souls in India who do not yet know Jesus. These people are out there, seeking meaning and purpose and failing to find answers to life’s great questions. The best way to reach these souls in need is to plant churches all over India, churches that will do the work of God in their own communities.

Church planting is economical, practical, and Biblical. If you or someone you know wants to start a church in your community or elsewhere, please let us know.


Children's Ministry

Millions of children in India are hungry, have never been to school, are homeless and live on the streets, are forced into child labor or prostitution, live without hope, without knowing Jesus. You can introduce one of these children to hope by sharing God’s love with him or her.

Forget the numbers. Think about just one child, that child’s life, and what a difference that nutrition, education, shelter, and most importantly Jesus, could make in that one child’s life.

For only INR Rs 1000 ($30) each month, you can change a child’s life. You can donate to the above ministry,through the following “giving” options page


Sponsor a Crusade

Baptist Church of Kakolluvaripalli frequently and gratefully receives invitations from church leaders and other disciples to hold a crusade in their church and/or community. At this time, we are unable to accept every invitation because of limited funding.

We know that there are many ways that you can tithe and give gifts to God. We know we are only one opportunity of many, and that there are many people and organizations in need out there. Still, if you feel led to sponsor a crusade, your support would be a blessing to thousands of people, and those thousands would go onto love and witness to thousands of other people. If you, your organization, your business, or your church feels called to sponsor a crusade, we can work together to make it happen. We would ask that your sponsorship include a complete financial underwriting, a commitment of prayer support, and a commitment to helping us with administrating and organizing the event.

A pastor or leader from your sponsoring organization would be invited to join us on the crusade. Baptist Church of Kakolluvaripalli will create and provide for you a video of crusade footage for you to take back and share with your church and community. Thank you for considering this opportunity to help spread the light of Jesus. If you have any questions or would like more information, please write us at


Sponsor a Pastor

Throughout India, there are native pastors who are committed to creating change in their own communities. These pastors could leave and minister elsewhere, but instead they stay and minister to their own neighbors, people who cannot afford to pay them a salary, or even offer them food, or shelter.

These men live in the same conditions as the people they serve, much like Christ did when He walked the earth. These men know the language, know the culture and are a powerful voice for Jesus. You can help one of these pastors continue his ministry. For only INR Rs 1000 ($30), you can sponsor a pastor and enable him to focus on his service and ministry.


Sponsor a Child

Millions of children in India are hungry, have never been to school, are homeless and live on the streets, are forced into child labor or prostitution, live without hope, without knowing Jesus. You can introduce one of these children to hope by sharing God’s love with him or her.

Forget the numbers. Think about just one child, that child’s life, and what a difference that nutrition, education, shelter, and most importantly Jesus, could make in that one child’s life.

For only INR Rs 1000 ($30) each month, you can change a child’s life. You can donate to the above ministry,through the following “giving” options page


Sponsor a Health Camp

Most of India’s poor live without health care, often suffering from and dying from illnesses that could easily be treated and cured with access to modern medical care. Baptist Church of Kakolluvaripalli partners with local community service organizations in rural areas to organize health camps. These camps allow doctors and volunteers to provide free medical care to those in need.

It costs INR Rs 12000 ($300) to sponsor one of these camps. This cost includes the cost of medicines and supplies and free food for the patients. If you, your organization, or your church feel called to sponsor one of these health camps, you would literally be saving lives.
